Sorry to write in English, but my German is very bad.
I have a problem to cancel my contract for internet + telephone with Vodafone. I have signed a contract for 2 years, but it turns out that I am moving to France after just one year.
Vodafone demands that I pay to them the money corresponding to one year of contract. As far as I understood, there is a "Recht auf Kündigung aus wichtigem Grund" in Germany, and their demand is abusive. (In France, telephone companies also tried to do the same and that was judged abusive by the courts).
Any advice to help me end this?
I am ready to fight (more for ideological reasons than for the money itself), but my bad German is a big disadvantage.
Can consumer associations help me? How?
You cannot cancel your contract now if you're moving to france in one year and not now.
You can quit your contract after you've moved to france, but not before.
You have signed a contract and you have fulfill it as long as you're in germany, as simple as it is.
After you're moved to a foreign contract Vodafone will quit your contract immediately after you've sended the proof that you've now a foreign domicile.
Sorry if Iwas unclear, but I meant that I have lived one year in Germany (last year) and I am now living in France.
The point is that I have signed a contract for 2 years and that I am moving after just one year.
When you already moved to france, there should be no Problem to quit the contract.
You have to sent the leaving permit from the last residents' registration office and then your contract will be cancelled
This is what I did, but the problem is that Vodafone says that cancelling the contract before its end causes a damage to them. So they demand that I pay now what I would have paid for one more year.
Do you have any precise reference to a court decision on this kind of issue?
Vielleicht kann es jemand übersetzen.
Die Verfahrensweise ist wie folgt, sobald der Umzug abgeschlossen ist. Sollte man eine Kopie der Mledebescheinigung zusammen mit dem Kündigungsschreiben an Vodafon senden.
Vodafon prüft dann in dem Fall ob am neuen Wohnort der Anschluss bereit gestellt werden kann (das ist in diesem Fall ja nicht möglich). Vodafon wird in diesem Fall eine Bearbeitungsgebühr für die ausserordentliche Kündigung erheben, aber dann ist die Sache vom Tisch (diese Verfahrensweise wird von fast allen ISP's angewendet)
Mach ich dir gerne.
Er ist also umgezogen und hat den Umzug Vodafone gemeldet, anscheinend mit Papieren, aber Vodafone weigert sich den Vertrag aufzulösen
Sorry again if I was unclear before: Vodafone accpets to cancel my contract, but they demand a fee for that: the ask me to pay the price of one year of contract (about 350€).
I find this incredibly high and I suspect that this is not legal.
I wanted some help to find more precise juridical information on the subject.
Normally you have to do the following steps:
- bring in a request for moving your access to your new adress in France
- then Vodafone will check if it is possible to move your dsl-access to your new adress in France, but we all know that it's impossible
- Vodafone will contact and inform you that the contract has to be canceled
BUT that you move to a place where Vodafone is not able to realise your access is not the problem of Vodafone. That lies in your area of responsibility!
So Vodafone is authorized to claim a tax for cancelling the contract. And that is the point where you must debate - perhaps Vodafone want to have 100% of the outstanding monthly taxes, perhaps 75% perhaps 50%... It is a thing of debating between the provider (Vodafone) and the customer.
What you have to consider is that every discount of these 100% is accommodation! Vodafone has to do nothing in this case!
Well, a short summary:
- send the documents (copy of registration card, request for moving your dsl-access) to Vodafone
- wait for their answer that they are not able to move it to France
- debate for a discount
an Nightcruiser und alle anderen, die eine Übersetzung brauchen:
Vodafone ist bereit den Vertrag zu lösen, aber nur gegen Zahlung des kompletten Restbetrags für die Laufzeit: 350€(!!!)
It seems too high but I thought that there's no "must" for a reduction of the "buy free tax"!? I thought it's a thing of goodwill if the provider want to have 100% or 50% of the outstanding monthly taxes...
Dann sollen sie doch einfach den Anschluß nach Frankreich legen. Mit schriftlicher Fristsetzung und allem Drum und Dran, dann bekommt Vodafone nichts mehr, aber auch gar nichts.