Modem configuration

  1. #1
    Avatar von Lachowski
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    Standard Modem configuration

    Sorry, I don't speak German.
    I'd like to configure a Netgear DGND3800B modem to work with t-online network.
    I have "Zugangsnummer", "personliches Kennwort", "Anschlusskennung" and "Mitbenutzernummer" (I've switched interface language to know what's what).
    I've typed those numbers, but i don't have connection.
    What else should I set?
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Avatar von TelekomTeam
    TelekomTeam ist offline

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    Standard AW: Modem configuration

    Hello Lachowski,

    Zitat Zitat von Lachowski
    I'd like to configure a Netgear DGND3800B modem to work with t-online network.
    The following configuration instruction describes the configuration of Telekom Internet access with a Netgear router. Please understand that we cannot give you further technical support for a Netgear Router.

    The following settings and menu descriptions can be different depending on the used firmware and used product. If you have more questions to the Router please contact Netgear directly:

    Phone: 0180 5 90 59 59 (0.14 euros / min., mobile phone max. 0.42 euros / min.)
    Internet: Support

    Telekom Internet access:

    Please open the configuration settings. The standard login is: Username "admin" and password "password". Should the login data don't work, you have probably changed it. In this case please contact Netgear.

    Enter the menu "Basic settings".

    Under "A registration is necessary for your internet connection" please select "Yes". Let the option "Protocol for the internet access" on "Other" and type into the field "User name" the username and into the field "Password" your personal password.

    User name:

    The user name is a combination of the “Anschlusskennung”, followed by the “Zugangsnummer” (formerly T-Online number) and “Mitbenutzernummer” (0001).
    Please add behind the whole number.

    For example:

    Yours sincerely

    Telekom Team

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